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During the course of a civil case, both parties present evidence to justify their actions, and a decision is made based on that evidence. In 1891, the Canadian Copper Company began mining copper from the basin, but it was soon discovered that the crater also contained nickel, which is much more valuable, so the miners changed course. Weighing in at about 66 tons, the rock is thought to have landed more than 80,000 years ago. Scientists believe the meteorite that caused the crater was traveling about 28,600 miles per hour when it struck Earth, causing an explosion about 150 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. Museums immediately started offering money for fragments of the rock, causing the previously sleepy town to be inundated with meteorite hunters and other adventurers from around the world. The theory holds that approximately 65 million years ago, a six-mile-wide asteroid crashed into Earth, causing a crater about 110 miles across and blowing tons of debris and dust into the atmosphere. And at an estimated two billion years old, it makes the Chicxulub Crater look like a spring chicken. 2 billion years ago, the Vredefort crater was created in South Africa by a meteor that was between 12.4 and 15.5 miles wide.

Second in size only to the Vredefort Dome, the Sudbury Basin is a 40-mile-long, 16-mile-wide, 9-mile-deep crater caused by a giant meteorite that struck Earth about 1.85 billion years ago. This is believed to have been the biggest meteor to have hit Earth. Now we just have to imagine just which of the DARPA or Boston Dynamics-created mechanical horrors our soldiers will soon work alongside. With the Southern slave states declaring secession from the United States, and with a shortage of soldiers in the army, President Abraham Lincoln called on the states to raise a force of 75,000 troops for three months to put down the Confederate insurrection and defend the national capital in Washington, D.C. Over the years, erosion, vandalism, and scientific sampling have shrunk the rock to about 60 tons, but in 1955 the Namibian government designated it a national monument, and it is now a popular tourist attraction.

By the middle of the 19th century, Prussia was seen by many German liberals as the country best-suited to unify the many German states, but the conservative government used the army to repress liberal and democratic tendencies during the 1830s and 1840s. Liberals resented the usage of the army in essentially police actions. Perhaps 4,000 settlers lost their lives-a tragedy to be sure, but a far cry from the figure of 154,000 the Irish government suggested had been butchered. The Japanese had lost skilled trainers, and they did not have the fuel or the time to use the trainers they did have. Others believe dinosaurs may have been wiped out by several distinct asteroid strikes, rather than just the widely credited Chicxulub impact. Our commitment to perfection, accountability and cooperation with customers would make the final difference in restoring whatever problems the project might have faced and bringing forward the final completion with a minimum of fuss. These sites take legally available information and build profiles that they make available online. After working at a treatment center in Maine, Jesse had founded his nonprofit, Journey House, which operates four homes for people in recovery, addressing the need for affordable housing for people taking medications to combat substance abuse issues.

The rock, about four inches wide, was part of a meteorite shower that sprinkled the Chicago area, damaging at least six houses and three cars. Today, the original crater, which was caused by a meteorite about six miles wide, is mostly eroded away, but what remains is a dome created when the walls of the crater slumped, pushing up granite rocks from the center of the meteorite strike. At 186 miles wide, Vredefort Dome in South Africa is the site of the biggest impact crater on Earth. A meteor, also known as a shooting star, is a body of matter that hits the atmosphere of Earth. A meteor crash is when a meteor survives the long fall through the atmosphere and strikes Earth. Despite its gargantuan size, the meteorite left no crater, which scientists credit to the fact that it entered Earth’s atmosphere at a long, shallow angle. Known as the Barringer Crater, or Meteor Crater, the site is now a popular tourist attraction.