
Pentagon’s Secret Service Trawls Social Media for Mean Tweets about Generals

What, indeed, is a civil war? Resorting to violence – indeed, celebrating and honoring its use for just and moral purposes – requires a surrender to the temptation of force. The narrative emphasizes the moral obligation felt by the Society of Friends to respect and support the indigenous peoples, portraying both the challenges they faced and the progress achieved through their benevolent actions, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of these initiatives. What we are watching is the final stage of the 40-year neoliberal transition of our nation from a forward-looking and still-evolving democratic republic into a white supremacist ethnostate ruled by a small group of fascist oligarchs. CYL members are certainly more aggressive than the “50-Centers” described in the Harvard study. Over the course of more than 400 meticulously researched pages, McDonald goes back to original historical records and reveals who was promoting and who was opposing the new Constitution, and why.

Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr., who died Sunday at age 95, was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and moved with his family to Massillon, Ohio, shortly after. Here we find the explanation for James Madison sealing his notes on the Constitutional Convention until every man who participated was dead (they were finally published more than 50 years later in 1840). He and many others at the convention were essentially betraying their own economic class in favor of democracy. And there is more going on than simply the ‘find bad guy, beat him up’ arc of a first-base comic-book story. There was a time when this would have been seen, in most respectable circles, as insanity. There were a few single points of resistance outside Masada. “But on the right, support for violence is no longer a fringe position,” Rachel Kleinfeld points out at Politico. Americans for Tax Fairnessreports that 50 billionaire families have, at this early stage, already injected almost a billion dollars into our political system – the overwhelming majority of it going to Republicans and in support of Donald Trump – in an effort to maintain enough control of our political system that their taxes won’t go up. A billionaire-funded Supreme Court Justice flew the American flag upside down outside his house after January 6th in apparent support of Donald Trump‘s attempt to overthrow our government.

Our skills have been sharpened in judicial service, in government service and in private practice. In Phnom Penh, Lon Nol’s new government was initially popular, particularly for his quixotic pledge to rid Cambodia of Vietnamese communist troops. To that end, they’re purging our schools and colleges of books and history courses; professors and teachers who don’t toe their line that America was designed from its founding to be an oligarchy are being fired as you read these words. America increasingly is entering a state where its citizens don’t want to belong to the same country. The majority of people want things – gun control, a strengthened social safety net, a cleaner and safer environment, quality, free education, higher taxes on the rich – that Congress refuses to do anything about because it is in thrall to great wealth. The iconic specter of mainstream GOP violence was, of course, the Jan. 6 insurgency, as thousands of angry white people, egged on by their dear leader, broke into the capital as Congress was in the process of transitioning to the Biden presidency, shouting things like “Hang Mike Pence! On Jan. 1, 1994-the day NAFTA went into effect-the Zapatistas seized four Chiapas towns.

And then, four generations later, we backslid. Since then, Republican outrage has morphed into such actions as the break-in last October at Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home. October 10, 1990. p. This fact resulted from the fact that the patrician state did not have sufficient numbers to ensure the strength of cavalry in a constantly developing country. Before the official declaration of the Kingdom, Saudi Arabia began developing administrative and military frameworks that would shape the foundation of its national defense. Army Signal Corps, Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington, D.C. On 11 April 1945, at the conclusion of a ten-month study that took them to every major theater to interview 80 “key military and naval personnel”, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Special Committee for the Reorganization of National Defense recommended that the armed forces of United States be organized into a single cabinet department, and that “three coordinate combat branches, Army, Navy, and Air” comprise the operational services. Exploring this battlefield allows visitors to gain insight into both military strategy and human sacrifice during this tumultuous time. All too few cultures and epochs have been able consistently to brook, let alone encourage, efforts to build human order on as great a degree of individuality and personal liberty as possible.